the market dot fit

There are a number of people chasing their vision.
Some of them are aces / rockstars / 1st round draft picks, but most aren't yet.
In the beginning, you find a 1 arb, or accrue 1 unique talent to get a win.
Turns out, it takes a lot of wins compounded through time.
We tend to stack our wins with branding, coding, and UI/UX.
We partner with starters who are deeply talented or see something no one else does.
We contribute to their skill tree, and they contribute to ours.
Everybody wins.

What gives us agency ↘


To build w skill, discernment and taste is to be a craftsman.
We aspire to approach the bench tomorrow w more resource than yesterday.
We need resources and compensation to keep building.
Our compensation is realized in the market based on the value we add.
As we pursue the craft, we increase our value and compensated accordingly.

“rewards are in direct proportion to your contribution” - EN


Clarity is king.
Everything communicates.
Friction works both ways.
Associations are inherent.
The shortest distance between two points is a straight line.
We attack results with a clarity of signal like an ice pick through the noise.

“Invert invert, always invert” - CM


No investors.
No board of directors.
No bosses.
We are a flat boutique unit of builders.
We all really like that.
Everyone articulates vision, adds value, and experiences the outcomes.

“It's better to be a pirate than join the navy.” - SJ

What are you excited about that we might appreciate? ↘

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